Why Choose Vinyl Windows For Your Home?

When replacing or upgrading windows, look for local window installation services that provide custom window designs. They’ll be better positioned to advise you on the right windows for your home, based on its size and style.

Picture windows allow you to take in a great view without letting in air or noise. They can also be used with a bay or bow design to add architectural interest to your home.


Vinyl windows are durable and resist warping, cracking or rotting, even under adverse weather conditions. They’re also less expensive than other window types, making them a great choice for homeowners on a budget or those conducting a home remodel.

Many vinyl replacement windows are ENERGY STAR certified and feature low-E glass, argon gas fills and other energy-efficient features to reduce your monthly utility bills. They help keep your home warm during icy Michigan winters and cool during sweltering summers, saving you money on heating and cooling costs while contributing to a greener environment.

Whether you’re installing new windows for a new construction project or replacing your existing ones, finding the right company is important. Look for a provider with years of experience and a proven track record of successful installations. They should also be able to answer any questions you may have about the products and services they offer. Choose a local company with a thorough understanding of the climate in your area to ensure they’re well-equipped to meet your home’s needs.

Energy Efficiency

Vinyl windows are a practical choice for homeowners who want to save on energy costs. Their insulation capabilities help to keep hot air out during the winter and cool air in during the summer. This can significantly lower a homeowner’s energy bills over time.

Modern vinyl window designs also feature a high level of energy efficiency. Many manufacturers construct their vinyl windows with double or triple panes of glass whose interspaces are filled with insulating gases such as argon. This colorless and odorless gas slows down heat transfer, making them ideal for the fluctuating climate in areas like Macomb MI.

Additionally, some modern vinyl windows include a specialized coating of low-emissivity (low-E) glass. This specialized coating reflects harmful UV rays from the sun, safeguarding your drapes and furnishings from premature fading. This feature can be particularly beneficial for homes in sunny locales. These energy-efficient vinyl windows are also environmentally friendly. They are recyclable and can be reused in other projects.

Low-E Glass

Whether you are committed to green living or simply want to save money, choosing vinyl windows with low-emissivity glass can help. This specialized coating reduces energy waste by reflecting long wavelength heat radiation (radiation that you can feel as a draft) back toward its source and allowing short wavelength light to pass through.

Low-E glass can also prevent harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from entering your home. This type of light can damage fabrics, carpets, furniture, and wood surfaces over time, fading colors and weakening materials.

We offer several brands of vinyl windows with low-e glass that are certified as Energy Star products, saving you money on your energy costs while helping to protect our planet. To test if your windows have low-e glass, stand in front of the window at night and hold a bright object such as a match or pencil to the glass. You should see four reflected images, and one of those reflected images will be darker in color than the others.

Argon Gas

Argon is a colorless, odorless gas that improves the insulating properties of energy efficient double pane windows. Argon fills the space between glass panels in vinyl windows to reduce heat transfer and minimize energy loss. It is a quiet warrior in the fight against fluctuating indoor temperatures and can help save homeowners money on their utility bills.

Argon also is used as a shielding gas in arc welding and cutting, to fill electric light bulbs, as an oxygen substitute in 3D printing to prevent oxidation and as a protective atmosphere for growing silicon and germanium crystals. It is even used in SCUBA dry suits, because it provides better insulation than nitrogen (1).

Homeowners can tell if their new vinyl windows contain argon by looking for two small holes along the spacer material between the glass. These are needed for pumping argon in and pushing air out as the gas is added. Good quality windows will keep argon inside for years. However, over time some argon will leak out, so a professional can test for its presence by seeing if there is frost or fog between the window panes (2).